The question every saltwater angler in Maine has on their mind...
Each year, as April unfolds and freshwater anglers head back to the Maine’s rivers and lakes, saltwater anglers begin counting the days wondering when the Striped Bass will arrive in Maine waters. Here’s the answer with a minor caveat.
Stripe Bass Arrival Timeline:
2nd Week of May: Generally, the first migrants show up in the southern Maine waters, south of Portland
3rd Week of May: Portland/Yarmouth/Freeport see their first arrivals
End of May: The Kennebec and nearby rivers often have stripers
July: Striped Bass can be found in large numbers all along the coast
These are general estimates and can vary from year to year.
Fish Types:
Generally small fish, called scouts by the locals, are first, followed by midsized fish a week or two later.
Variables in Arrival Time:
Though there are good natured disagreements, most anglers think their arrival is dictated by water temperatures, though there’s no doubt that the arrival of baitfish in local waters does not hurt. By early June, large numbers of striped bass will have moved into areas above the Kennebec. By July, they will be found in large numbers all along the coast. They will stay around until October.